Ratliff & Taylor announced as search firm for Executive Director replacement
February 10, 2021
Akron, OH – The County of Summit ADM Board today announced it has retained the Ohio-headquartered national search firm Ratliff & Taylor to lead the search effort for a new Executive Director.
The County of Summit ADM Board is responsible for assessing community needs; managing public resources; and planning, funding, monitoring and evaluating treatment, prevention and essential support services for people who experience alcoholism, drug addiction and/or mental illness. The ADM Board does not provide any direct service, but it contracts with local agencies to provide quality, affordable services for people at critical times in their lives. The ADM Board of Directors is comprised of 14 community volunteers providing leadership in policy formation and funds allocation.
Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director ensures an effective and efficient system of care in Summit County that promotes quality mental health and addiction prevention, treatment and support services to Summit County residents in need and reduces or eliminates the effects of mental illness and addiction in the community. The Executive Director serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Board staff and administration, is responsible for implementing Board directives for tangible results, provides management of Board operations and oversees and acts as a steward of public funds.
Alcoholism, drug addiction and mental illness are real medical conditions that can affect anyone. Effective treatments are available, and people do recover. One in four families experiences either a mental health or substance use disorder. Summit County residents have a rich array of services and supports available to them through the ADM Board system.
For more information on the agency, please visit https://www.admboard.org. For additional information and to apply for the Executive Director position, please contact Patti Shumay, Sr. Executive Search Consultant, Ratliff & Taylor at pshumay@rtcpi.com. The deadline for applications is February 26, 2021.