Criminal Justice Diversion
Community Stakeholders work together to explore barriers to diversion of individuals from the criminal justice system when treatment of mental health and substance use disorders are more appropriate options. This is done through several system mapping projects, which helps to identify strategic points of intercept from the criminal justice system into treatment.
Stepping Up Initiative: The Stepping Up Initiative is a collaboration of community supports, judges, law enforcement, and mental health professionals who develop an action plan that can be used to achieve measurable impact on the criminal justice system.
Specialized Dockets for Adults and Youth: The ADM Board’s System of Care supports specialized dockets that address substance use disorders and mental health disorders in Summit County. These include the following:
- Akron Municipal Court, Recovery Court
- Akron Municipal Court, Mental Health Court
- Barberton Municipal Court, Drug Court
- Barberton Municipal Court, Mental Health Court
- Stow Municipal Court, Mental Health Court
- Summit County Court of Common Pleas, The Turning Point Program
- Summit County Juvenile Court, Family Reunification through Recovery Court (FRRC)