Substance Use Support, Children and Youth
In 2020, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)’s National Survey on Drug Use and Health estimated that youth aged 12-17 drank alcohol in the prior month, and 13.8 percent of youth aged 12-17 used illicit drugs in the previous year.
The need for youth-focused prevention and treatment has never been greater.
The ADM Board works with partners throughout our community to ensure that children and youth have access to appropriate prevention messages and programming and that treatment and support for families experiencing youth substance use are available.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
This federal initiative provides real-time crisis support to anyone who may need it. Answered by trained staff here in Summit County, 988 is available 24/7/365.

Akron Children’s Hospital Addiction Services Program
Akron Children’s provides evidence-based treatment services for youth with substance use disorders up to age 18. This includes medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and ongoing maintenance along with drug screening, individual and family counseling, and an Intensive Outpatient treatment program.

Akron UMADAOP provides case management, intensive outpatient treatment programs, group counseling, individual counseling, assessments, and after/continuing care services. It uses a holistic approach to substance use with an emphasis on African Americans and other minorities.
Akron UMADAOP also offers youth-led prevention programs that promote healthy lifestyle choices, free of substance use.

Alliance for Healthy Youth
Alliance for Healthy Youth is dedicated to empowering youth to make healthy lifestyle choices through education and support from parents, families, schools, and communities. By conducting curriculum and youth-led programs in school classrooms, Alliance for Healthy Youth equips youth with the skills necessary to enhance health and wellness. The organization addresses mental health and wellbeing, drug use prevention, violence reduction, and sexual health, fostering a supportive environment where youth can thrive and make positive decisions.

Bellefaire JCB
Bellefaire JCB provides outpatient counseling, school-based counseling, prevention and early intervention, homeless and missing youth programming, and residential treatment services to youth and their families.
Bellefaire JCB offers a variety of programs and services for youth and their loved ones that focus co-occurring substance use and mental health diagnosis. Bellefaire offers residential alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment.

Child Guidance & Family Solutions (CGFS)
CGFS serves children, teens, adults, and families with mental health concerns, offering specialty services in areas including anxiety, depression, trauma, family counseling, early childhood education, crisis intervention, sexual behavior problems, early treatment of psychosis, and refugee adjustment.

Coleman Health Services
Coleman provides both substance use disorder support as well as mental health resources to individuals and families in need. Coleman Health Services uses a combination of interventions to address substance use disorder in adults, including assessment, individual and group counseling, case management, and MAT. Coleman’s addiction program is modular and uses a variety of approaches to meet individual’s needs.
Children and youth with addiction needs are treated with a care plan tailored to their individual needs. Coleman also offers its Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS), which provides support when there is a family-identified youth crisis.
Additionally, Coleman provides a range of services for families and individuals in need of mental health resources, including case management, diagnostic assessments, counseling, crisis mobile response, and medical support.
For professionals, Coleman provides Mental Health First Aid training, giving participants the tools to identify the signs, symptoms, and risk factors of mental health and substance use disorders.

Greenleaf Family Center
Greenleaf provides treatment designed to gain insight into addiction issues and to help find healthy ways to treat addiction disorders, offering alcohol and other drug treatment (AoD) outpatient group services, aftercare for those who have completed treatment/recovery programs, and individual counseling.
Greenleaf also supports families by offering counseling, education, and support services, including focuses on areas such as relationship issues, marital problems, substance use disorders, and school emotional and behavioral concerns.
Additional services include family counseling; group counseling; anger management; LGBTQIA+ support; grief, hoarding, and related disorders support; trauma/PTSD-focused counseling, and parenting resources and support.

Summit County Community Partnership
Summit County Community Partnership focuses efforts on preventing alcohol, drug abuse, and problem gambling in Summit County.
Current initiatives include The Deterra Project and the distribution of drug deactivation pouches; working with local schools to raise awareness of underage drinking; offering education on the effects of marijuana on the developing brain as a prevention tool; and providing treatment resources for problem gambling.

Summit County Public Health
Summit County Public Health (SCPH) supports individual harm reduction efforts through Project DAWN (Deaths Avoided with Naloxone) clinics in Summit County. SCPH also offers a safe syringe program for individuals.

Urban Ounce of Prevention
Urban Ounce of Prevention Behavioral Health Services provides culturally sensitive services to adults and youth, including programs specifically designed to address women’s, men’s, youth’s, and families’ specific needs.
Urban Ounce’s programs include outpatient substance use disorder treatment programs for men and women, respectively. It also offers programs focused on reuniting families when children have been separated from their parents and are placed in custodial care as well as mental health treatment programs that serve both men and women.
Urban Ounce offers after-school programs for youth to help them learn skills such as effective communication, conflict resolution, anger management, and goal setting.