Mini-Grants for Suicide Prevention Announced

Applications being accepted for suicide prevention

The County of Summit ADM Board is awarding mini-grants for up to $5,000 in collaboration with the Summit County Suicide Prevention Coalition for local community-based efforts for awareness and prevention of death by suicide. These funds may be used to support prevention initiatives that focus on increasing awareness and reducing incidents of death by suicide. The Centers for Disease Control provides examples of prevention strategies and goals.

Grant applications will be reviewed and awardees will be notified within 30 days of receipt of the application. These funds will be distributed on a first come, first served basis so when all funds have been expended for the year no further grants will be awarded. 

Steps for Mini-Grant Submission:

  • Complete application (be sure that the application is submitted at least 60 days prior to event)
  • Complete budget summary
  • Submit both application and budget summary to

Questions may be submitted to