The ADM Board works closely with the Summit County Medical Examiner’s office to provide data regarding overdose deaths and deaths by suicide from across the county.
This information is updated weekly, and more information can be provided by contacting
To learn more about local overdose deaths and deaths by suicide, click the following links:

The ADM Board prioritizes reporting to our partners and to the greater community. Updated reports are made available to the public here, on the ADM Board’s website, and those listed below are the most current editions available.
Community Assessment & Plan (CAP)
Each ADM board in Ohio is required, by law, to engage in a community process designed to assess and plan for prevention, treatment, and recovery supports in their community. CAPs are submitted and approved by OhioMHAS, and they provide ADM boards priority goals for the following 3 years.
Summit County Social Services Advisory Board (SSAB)
The Summit County Social Services Advisory Board (SSAB) was created in 1991 and consists of members appointed by the County Executive, and local legislation is responsible for providing oversight of the three levy-funded agencies in Summit County, including the ADM Board.
Annual Report
Each year, the ADM Board produces a report, which is designed to highlight the work of the last fiscal year. This report includes a financial snapshot and insights into service areas such as the number of individuals served, training and workforce development initiatives, and prevention services.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
Every 5 years, the YRBS is conducted by Case Western Reserve University in collaboration with the ADM Board and Summit County Public Health along with participating school districts (middle and high schools). This survey plays a critical role as part of the evaluation process for the Summit County community as data gathered informs programs, services, and initiatives in moving forward with planning.
Mental Health Statistical Improvement Program (MHSIP) and the Youth Services Survey (YSS[F])
The MHSIP and YSS(F) are conducted annually by the ADM Board to survey consumers’ perceptions of the mental health care they received from the local community behavioral health system.